

Written by Jennifer Azubuike I am a big fan of Francine Rivers’ stories. I was reading one of her books when a short story told inside her main story caught my attention (yeah, she’s that good at plot twists and relaying messages). It is a story about a young woman with two shoeboxes. The first shoebox she assigned for prayer requests so that whenever she had a request, she would write it down on a piece of paper, pray over it and put the piece of paper into that shoebox. The second box is for testimonies; when a prayer from the first shoebox is answered, the young woman takes out the note from that box and transfers it to the ‘testimony’ box. What stuck with me about this story was when the woman confessed that whenever she starts to grow weary from a prayer taking too long to be answered, she opens the testimony box and reads her testimonies from the past thus reminding herself of God’s faithfulness and thereby strengthening her faith. I honestly think it is a great idea to note down our testimonies as much as we have a list of requests to ask. That note will not just remind us to thank the Lord for what He has done but also re-energize our faith in our ever-faithful God. Talking about being thankful, my grandmother used to say in a proverb “When you praise a soldier for fighting on your behalf, he will be motivated to go again.” Simply put, the Lord wants us to remember His victories on our behalf. I say so because He was pissed each time the children of Israel murmured and complained when they were faced with difficulties and quickly forgot His past wonders on their behalf. What is the wonderful answers God has given to your requests in the past? Do you still remember them? I mean do you have a testimony box?  Till next time, Peace! Please see other post here


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