

Written by Jennifer Azubuike   What have you tripped over? What has caused you to fall?  Sin, burden, oppression, or injustice?  Maybe you lay there tired or ashamed. “It is over for you,” the accuser whispers.   Beloved, the battlefield of life is rough.  For a Christian, it is fierce.  If you still don’t know it, Then you have not learned from the veterans gone before.   At the peak of any battle, bullets fly carelessly.  Physical bullets from relationships and responsibilities  presented hardship that emotionally slammed you.    Or spiritual bullets of fear and oppression have pierced you.  As carefully as you have tried to duck and dive Through the firing line, yet, you have been hit.  Now, you are down, hurt, and discouraged.    Get up, soldier! For sin, there is still grace. For injustice, your savior is an avenger. Is it a burden? Jesus can carry it. Weak and discouraged? Reach out to other soldiers, unashamed.   Whatever it be, do not give up. The battle may rage, but your commander has won the war. The flag though He still wants you to fly And endure hardship as a good soldier of His.   But when you rise again be sure to check your armor;  Your helmet, breastplate, shield, and sword.  Is any missing or shifted? Get up, good soldier!   Partly adapted from 2 Timothy 2:3-4: You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.    Till next time, stay lifted! You can read other posts here

GET UP, SOLDIER! Read More »


Written by Jennifer Azubuike It must have been a normal day in heaven. Angels taking orders; YAHWEH, maybe, reviewing orders; the twenty-four Elders and the Seraphim worshiping; Jesus advocating… Just a regular day – when all of a sudden there was a stand still because The Most High ordered a hush! Angel Gabriel turned around to see what the sudden hush was about and found The Father with Christ by His side looking intently down into the earth. Something big must be happening down there to call such attention. He leaned to another angel and asked, “What did I miss?” “Uhm…I am not sure.” The Angel replied. Gabriel moved closer to see. In Babylon there were three young men standing in front of a crowd. This large crowd were all before a magnificent man-like image of earthen gold. He could see a furious King huffing and puffing at these young men. By divine supernatural knowledge, Gabriel could see that these three men were righteous. Who are they and why are they drawing so much attention from us? Gabriel thought. Curiously, he listened intently to the conversation among the men as he could hear it. At that time, everyone in Heaven could hear it. “We serve a living God and will not worship your golden image O King.” The three men chorused. * * * Let’s rewind to how it started. Earlier that year, there had been rumors in the capital city of Babylon that the King was working on a big project. Shadrack was sitting in his office one day when the Chief engineer brought in a budget for approval. “What?! What kind of project would require such big budget?” “Well, it’s a new god for Babylon and the King wants it to be grand. In fact, it is being made entirely of gold that is why the budget is big. I just need you to sign here.” Shadrack shook his head as he signed off on the budget. There are so many gods littered around Babylon, what difference would this one make even if was made of gold? It won’t speak or do anything helpful besides just being a new center of attraction to Babylonians for another few years. Being of Hebrew descent, the God of his own ancestors has evidence that He is alive and spoke to the people when He wanted. The gods in Babylon do not do such. Personally, he thought it was dumb to invest so much in something so useless, but he was only an overseer, and does not really have a say when it directly involved the King. Afterwards, Shadrack did not think much of the incident again except for mentioning it in passing to his friends – Daniel, Meshack and Abednego – until that fateful day. An order had gone out to have every person that held a leadership position in the country to gather at the temple for an occasion. The invitation read ‘Dedication of the King’s image.’ It was signed by the King was very important. Right off the bat, Daniel declined to attend. Daniel was a man of impeccable reputation and has long established it publicly that he only worshiped one God – that is the God of his ancestors. Even the King knows this and reveres him for it. Therefore, nobody bothered that he did not attend. However, Shadrack was curious to see the project he had heard so much about. Meshack and Abed-nego went out of a sense of duty to the King. Little did they know that they would end up in the precarious position of choosing whether to bow or not to bow to the king’s image. * * * [Back to present] King Nebuchadnezzar laughed hysterically. “Here, I will give you another chance. Now if you are ready, when you hear the sound of the horn… and all kinds of music and you fall down and worship the image which I have made, very good. But if you do not worship, you shall be thrown at once into the midst of a furnace of blazing fire; and what god is there who can rescue you out of my hands?” Shadrack, Meshach, and Abed-nego replied without hesitation “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to answer you on this point. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire, and He will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up!” Gabriel smiled. So that is what is drawing the attention of Heaven. They are men of incredible faith. He looked on. The King was aggravated by their response and immediately commanded that the burning fiery furnace be heated seven times hotter. He had to appease his injured pride. These three Hebrew men will be a public example of what happens to anyone who tried to make mockery of him. He will destroy them by burning them alive. At that moment, there was a great stir in Heaven. What will The Father do? Will He let these men be martyred? Gabriel laid a hand on his sword still sheathed and looked at The Father. His thoughts were clear, “At thy command my Lord, and I will go.” But The Most High raised a hand to calm the stir and turned to Jesus. “Son, will you go?” “But Father, it is not my time to manifest on earth, yet.” “I know, but Nebuchadnezzar challenged Me, so I want him to see Me.” “Hmmm…Okay, I will go, My Father, I will keep them safe.” Heaven rejoiced and continued to watch as Jesus descended to earth. When King Nebuchadnezzar followed through with his threat and threw the young men into the furnace even the henchmen that took them to the furnace died from the heat. But

GOD HEARS… Read More »


Written by Jennifer Azubuike I am a big fan of Francine Rivers’ stories. I was reading one of her books when a short story told inside her main story caught my attention (yeah, she’s that good at plot twists and relaying messages). It is a story about a young woman with two shoeboxes. The first shoebox she assigned for prayer requests so that whenever she had a request, she would write it down on a piece of paper, pray over it and put the piece of paper into that shoebox. The second box is for testimonies; when a prayer from the first shoebox is answered, the young woman takes out the note from that box and transfers it to the ‘testimony’ box. What stuck with me about this story was when the woman confessed that whenever she starts to grow weary from a prayer taking too long to be answered, she opens the testimony box and reads her testimonies from the past thus reminding herself of God’s faithfulness and thereby strengthening her faith. I honestly think it is a great idea to note down our testimonies as much as we have a list of requests to ask. That note will not just remind us to thank the Lord for what He has done but also re-energize our faith in our ever-faithful God. Talking about being thankful, my grandmother used to say in a proverb “When you praise a soldier for fighting on your behalf, he will be motivated to go again.” Simply put, the Lord wants us to remember His victories on our behalf. I say so because He was pissed each time the children of Israel murmured and complained when they were faced with difficulties and quickly forgot His past wonders on their behalf. What is the wonderful answers God has given to your requests in the past? Do you still remember them? I mean do you have a testimony box?  Till next time, Peace! Please see other post here



Written by Jennifer Azubuike Sometime ago, a series of consecutive events happened that left me depressed and sick; including an accident, money loss and a sad health news. I remember desperately wanting to close my eyes and make everything go away. You could also imagine that the last thing I wanted to do was smile because I was too sad to. In fact, I was so sad that my energy level was below zero, if there’s any such level. While this was going on, I attended a prayer meeting online. During the meeting, every other person was breaking into tongues and destroying yokes in fervent prayers while I just sat there nodding and feeling detached. In my heart though, I quietly begged God for mercy, and God must have heard! Because I soon caught the prayer fire and blasted into tongues myself. Shortly after, I felt my spirit revive and the heaviness in my chest lifted away. Do you know what I felt the days following? JOY! Of course those problems didn’t go away, but because I rediscovered my joy, I consequently found strength to go on with life and also face those problems head on. The experience helped me understand what Christ meant when he said in John 14: 27 “My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled.” In this world, the meaning of peace is the absence of trouble or noise but with Christ the meaning of peace is power for sustenance whether in trouble or peace. This inner peace is the source of our joy, and that joy translates to strength; strength for life. A popular Nigerian slang says ‘Wahala no dey finish. (Translation: troubles are never ending)’ When you think about it, it is true. Troubles of life don’t announce their arrival nor do they measure themselves to everyone in equal proportion, but everyone has to deal with some form of trouble. So, do we continually stay sad, anxious or depressed? No! “Then he said unto them…for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” ‭‭Nehemiah‬ ‭8:10‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Life is tough at times; really tough, but I want to remind you that Jesus is ever ready to replenish our joy. If you have to crawl, please crawl to Him because “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: But the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” Psalm‬ ‭34:19‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Till next time. Stay lifted. You can read previous posts here


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